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Black star has an attractive star shaped inclusions that sparkle in the light. Know more about its meaning, facts, properties and how to buy it here. Black star stone has a captivating allure that has attracted gem lovers for centuries. Its distinctive star shaped inclusion, also known as an asterisk, creates a celestial effect that sets it apart from other gemstone collector or simply looking for a unique piece of jewelry, black star stone will definitely catch your attention. Black star stone usually occurs in metamorphic rocks such as peridotites or kimberlites. These rocks undergo intense heat and pressure within the earths crust before coming closer to the surface through volcanic activity or tectonic forces.

Here are some common explanations.

Metaphyscial meanings:

Protection: Black star cabochon stone is believed to have protective properties, protecting the wearer from negative energies and psychic attacks. 

Transformation: Back star stone is said to aid in personal growth and transformation, helping individuals overcome challenges and grow spiritually.     

Connection with nature: Some people view black star as a stone that fosters a deep connection with the natural world and the energies of the earth.

Cultural symbolism:

Russian origin: Black star stone is often associated with russia, as it is found primarily in siberia. In russian culture it is considered a symbol of siberian strength and resilience. 

Transformation and rebirth: The dark color and star like phenomenon displayed by black star stone is seen as a representation of transformation and rebirth in various cultural contexts. 

Protection and protection from evil: Historically, black star gemstone have been used as amulets for protection from evil forces and negative energies. Black star stone can be worn or carried as an amulet for spiritual protection. 

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