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The hackmanite gem, capable of changing its color and glowing in the dark without any manipulations in a laboratory, deserves much praise. Hackmanite Gemstone is a newcomer to the gemstone market but it is already bathing in accolades for its unique optical properties. Hackmanite Gemstone is a relatively young gem one. For more than one hundred years since its discovery, the hackmannite gemstone has remained primarily a collector's gemstone. It was not until 1991 that the gem quality transparent hackmanite gemstone was discovered at The Proudrate Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada. Today high quality hackmannite gems are also found in Myanmar, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Hackmanite stone is a sulfur bearing variety of sodalite belonging to the feldspathoid mineral group, it is similar to feldspar but has a different composition and silica composition. The most curious property of Hackmanite Stone is Tenebrance (also known as Photochromism). In addition, hackmannite stone turns neon orange and glows in the dark when exposed to longer wavelengths (365). It is not for nothing that not all samples can boast of a violet color in ultraviolet light. Gem quality hackmannite stones are transparent or translucent, but most specimens are opaque. The price of hackmanite stone largely depends on whether its degree of clarity is opaque, while transparent ones are rare therefore expensive.

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