Unique Jewellers

Buy Kyanite Gemstone Beads for Jewellery Making 

Kyanite Gemstone is mineral found mainly in metamorphic rocks. Kyanite gemstone typical habit is a bladed crystal, although it sometimes occurs as radiating masses of crystals. This stone is used for beaded jewellery. Kyanite gemstone beads is often associated with other metamorphic minerals such as garnet, staurolite, and corundum. Kyanite gemstone specimens have a variable hardness. Kyanite gemstone jewellery is the high-pressure polymorph, sillimanite forms at high temperature, and andalusite is the low-pressure polymorph. This stone is for jewellery makers. 

B Grade Kyanite Gemstone Beads 

Kyanite gemstone is used to manufacture a wide range of products. For foundries, the molds used for casting high-temperature metals are often made with kyanite gemstone. Kyanite garnet is also in products used in the automotive and railroad industries where heat resistance is important. Kyanite garnet that you will rarely encounter in the typical jewellery store. Most people have not heard of kyanite natural stone beads wholesale, as it is infrequently used in jewellery. High quality and nicely coloured kyanite gemstone beads can be cut into attractive and desirable cabochons and faceted stones. Kyanite gemstone is also used to make beads. However, kyanite gemstone can be clear, green, black, and rarely purple. The stone has jewelry trends.


Kyanite gemstone found in a continuous colour range between clear and dark blue. If you are interested in kyanite gemstone as an in jewellery making, the best place to find them is in unique jewellers store or in jewellery store that is associated with a mineral dealer. Buy gemstone beads online at Unique Jewellers Jaipur

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