Unique Jewellers

Moss Tourmaline Online Manufacturer

Moss tourmaline is a revered stone that comes in a wide array of colors. Moss tourmaline is helping to use in balancing yin and yang energies, such as the feminine and masculine within ourselves. Moss tourmaline helps to create a shield around a person or room to prevent negative or unwelcome energies from entering. You can protect your home or a particular room in your home by making a grid of moss tourmaline. To create a grid, place a piece of moss tourmaline in each corner of your home or the room you want to protect. The colour associated with this ares is moss, so you may want to place a piece of moss tourmaline here with the set intention of enhancing your career or gaining more clarity around your path in life. Moss tourmaline can be great addition to this area if you want to work on self love or become more receptive to love from a partner. You can carry moss tourmaline with you when you are out and about to create a shield of protection no matter where you are. You can a place a piece of moss tourmaline gemstone beads in your purse or pocket or wear moss tourmaline jewellery. Moss tourmaline is very popular for creating a shield of protection from negative energies. Use moss tourmaline to release tension and negative thoughts and ground yourself. Moss tourmaline has a special affinity for the third eye chakra and can help deepen creativity and intuitive abilities. Moss tourmaline is connected to the solar plexus chakra and is used to enhance personal power.

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