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Colors ranging from light green to yellow can be seen in prehnite, it is a delicately colored stone. An inosilicate gemstone made of calcium and magnesium is called prehnite. It offer a claiming energy and peaceful aura as it is a delicate, milky shade of pear green. As well as being colorless, orange, yellow, white, grey, brown, blue and pink, magic stone also be grey, brown or blue.

According to legend, the prehnite and zeolite families share the same mining area. Despite the fact that it is clear that it does not belong to the zeolite family. Prehnite, also known as new jade, is a mineral. This stone has a long history and has been worn by humans for many years. People treasure prehnite jewelry and worship this stone.

Since then, the stone has been used to adorn a variety of jewelry, including prehnite rings, prehnite pendants, prehnite earrings, prehnite necklaces, and prehnite bracelet, all of which became fashionable due to the stones cool look and magical has happened property. Prehnite is typically shaped into cabochon or facet cuts, some of which look likes cats eyes. Its color is often oily green, although it can also be colorless, light greenish brown, pale green or pale yellow. White streaks may also be visible in some gems, usually in gems that are light green or pale yellow green in color.

Prehnite which is light yellow in color and very fibrous is cut as a cabochon and looks like a cats eye. When prehnite is removed and exposed to air, its color becomes discolored. Prehnite is often transparent and has a glass like luster, while it can also be almost translucent. Its rank on the hardness scale is 6. Prehnite is a relatively hard gemstone and prehnite jewelry requires proper care and cleaning.

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