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The enchanting beauty of rainbow moonstone has fascinated people for centuries. Lets start by examining hot it got its name. White Rainbow moonstone is named after the bright blue glow that appears on some feldspar varieties when illuminated at specific angles. This characteristic ads to the allure of iridescent moonstones and explains why they are called so. Iridescent rainbow moonstone are just not beautiful they also have powerful spiritual qualities.

Ancient cultures used them to ward off negative energies, calm emotions, and enhance intuition and spiritual connection. Today healers use iridescent White Rainbow moonstone healing for their positive effects on physical and emotional health.

This gem belongs to feldspar group. It is also known as white labradorite. Its captivating iridescence creates a rainbow like effect on the gemstone. Also this gemstone is believed to have claiming and soothing energies that can help balance emotions and provide emotional healing.

Rainbow moonstone is considered a soothing stone that helps balance the throat chakraits complementary energies make it useful in balancing both sides of the self the light and dark aspects. Rainbow moonstone has long been considered a powerful Semi Precious Gemstone with divine properties, providing protection from negative forces while promoting clarity of thought.

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